Stories of Triumph

Sherry Blair
“The Nurtured Heart Approach® has given my client’s the tools to use right in the moment to build Inner WealthTM and manage conflict with more ease and confidence. I can positively recommend NHA to other mental health practitioners because it will change everything! It gives you the confidence to help empower people to change their lives. You will experience such a sense of accomplishment as people find their own success at home, work, school and play!”

Suzy B
"I wondered how this process would be like on Zoom having experienced it in person and I have to say I am blown away of how this energy can flow through space from literally parts of the country all simultaneously!! NHA has proved yet again that there are no boundaries!!!"

Tina Conti
"Every year, in September, I would watch the most "intense" students closely and find something positive about their behavior. Sometimes I would have to set this up to happen... During the 1st week of school, I would give a call home to parents to compliment the student and set off the year on a good note to set them up for success & know that I saw the good in them. I also wanted the parent to know that my goal was to see & focus on the positive. Also, if I did have to call home to speak about a problem, it was always welcomed since we had a positive experience first.
I feel like this is the Nurtured Heart Approach & I love to encourage new teachers to put this idea in their toolbox."

Tony Rose
"In my practice, family relationships are repaired, parents feel empowered and the children feel safer."

Tammy Small
“NHA is how I breathe, speak, think and act! It has empowered me to write two books- and is the core of my work with students, teachers and friends.”

Stacie Lancaster
“NHA has taught me how to face what is in front of me. I no longer spend my time trying to go around or avoid what scares me. NHA provides me with the foundation that I spent my life looking for.”

Sherry Schwartz
"As I was taking the NHA, CIT, training last week, I was implementing all of the strategies in my home and on the last day of the training, on one of our breaks, my son acknowledged me! He used a detailed recognition that blew my mind, as I was baking him cookies. He thanked me for taking the time to bake him cookies and the effort and kindness I was showing him. I truly believe this was only possible due to the new language I am now using in my home."

Brooke Tafoya
“I utilize NHA to coach my staff and this has helped transform them personally and notched up our practice in working with young people. The staff feels more nourished an so are better able to nourish young people. NHA actually shows you HOW to provide ‘strength based’ and ‘empowerment’ relationships. It changes people’s lives, so why not try it?”